Education is crucial for the future of Cambodia. In a culture where one can buy diploma and education, it is imperative that quality education is provided by the educational institutions.
The number of universities in Cambodia is numerous enough to accommodate the younger segment of the population. Currently, there are 25 listed Universities in Cambodia. This list, however, is growing and does not include other academic institutions, private preschools and elementary schools. According to the Cambodia Academic Institutions Directory, Cambodia has a total of 45 higher academic institutions, including universities. see the list here
It would be interesting to know how many students are currently enrolled in these 45 academic institutions. Nonetheless, the number of academic institutions in Cambodia should be enough, at least at the present, to meet the need of the younger in pursuit to a better education.
According to the recent survey dated July 2012, the Cambodia population is close to 15 million. One should think that the number of preschools and universities in Cambodia are numerous enough to provide competitive and excellent education for the growing Cambodian population.
can i know how many student population in each university? for the latest no. of university is it increase?