Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How Many Mobile Phones in Cambodia?

Do you know how many mobile phones in Cambodia? No one knows exactly how many cellphones are there but the number of SIM Cards currently in use suggest the number of mobile phones.

There are over 20 million SIM cards currently in use. Yet, just because there are over 20 million SIM cards currently in use does not equal the number of phones. A lot of people use 2, 3 or 4 SIM Cards and own two or three mobile phones. Not to mention that some phones have 2 or 3 three SIM cards. While the accuracy of number of phones cannot be determine by the number of SIM Cards, the current numbers of SIM give us hint how many mobile phones in Cambodia today. 

There are over 15 million Cambodians today and based on the number of SIM Cards, the Khmer Times, states that 97% of Cambodians have their own mobile phones. Really? If so, how old are the 97% Cambodians who use mobile phones? Does this mean that the 3 percent remaining Cambodians are children who are not able to use cellphone?

To answer the question stated above, it is safe to assume that in Cambodia there are more mobile phones than people in Cambodia! 

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